Choosing the right type of mentor is important as a way to speed up your learning and help compete for jobs that were previously held by those with decades of experience, says Harvard Business Review.
The Management Tip of the Day offers quick, practical management tips and ideas from Harvard Business Review and HBR.org (http:\\www.hbr.org). Any opinions expressed are not endorsed by Reuters.
“Many of the jobs that Baby Boomers will vacate over the next two decades will go to young upstarts. But how do you compete for jobs formerly held by people with decades more experience?
The right mentors can help speed up your learning. Consider contacting the following types of people:
1. A senior executive with experience in a country where your company is expanding—perhaps in an emerging market, such as Brazil or Russia. Develop a more global mind-set.
2. A high-performing peer in an adjacent industry. Gain a new, broader perspective on the field in which your company operates.
3. A mid-level manager in a sector your business serves. Get into your customer’s shoes and see how the industry looks from another standpoint.”
Today’s management tip was adapted from the book, “Guide to Getting the Mentoring You Need.”
Thu Mar 29, 2012