Big-Name Investors Back Effort to Build a Better Bitcoin

Some of Silicon Valley’s best-known venture funds have backed OpenCoin, a startup with a new digital currency called Ripple.

By Tom Simonite on April 11, 2013

The value of a Bitcoin has grown in the four years since the digital currency was invented, but there’s been little interest from mainstream business or technology investors in using it.

News today from OpenCoin, a startup that today launched its own digital currency called Ripple and tools for making transactions in other currencies, including Bitcoins, suggests that may change. The company says it has attracted early investments, of an undisclosed size, from established venture capital firms including Andreessen Horowitz, which reportedly made over $100 million when Microsoft bought Skype, and Lightspeed Ventures, one of the first investors in networking company Nicira, which sold to VMWare last year for $1.6 billion. OpenCoin has also received investment from the early-stage wing the Founder’s Fund, a venture firm owned by PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel.

Ripple, the currency developed by OpenCoin, is similar to Bitcoin in that it uses math to prevent counterfeiting and fraud. However, Ripple has features intended to make it more practical to use, and that enable Ripple to be used to make transactions with existing currencies. One major difference is that transfers made with Ripple can be confirmed in seconds; Bitcoin transfers take, on average, 10 minutes to be confirmed, and many sites that accept Bitcoins make users wait an hour for confirmation of their transaction.

“Bitcoin is focused more on the currency and less on the payments system,” says Chris Larsen, a cofounder and CEO of OpenCoin. “We’re trying to offer both.” Larsen previously founded the online lending and savings company e-loan, and founded OpenCoin with chief technology officer Jed McCaleb, who created the once-popular file sharing client eDonkey as well as the largest Bitcoin exchange, Mt Gox. OpenCoin currently has 14 employees.

The company’s website for Ripple is more polished and easy-to-use than most sites built for Bitcoin users. As well as sending Ripples to other people, users can also send and exchange U.S. dollars, Euros, Bitcoins, and other currencies using the site. Ripple’s design has those transactions automatically routed through exchange companies that are working with OpenCoin. Tools are also available to allow others to offer software or websites that make use of Ripple.

Transferring Ripples is free, while transactions that involve converting between currencies involve small transaction fees—typically 0.02 percent. That’s significantly less than the fees levied by existing financial companies, such as PayPal, credit card issuers, or banks, says Larsen, an advantage that he says will lead to online merchants experimenting with Ripple, and one that attracted OpenCoin’s investors.

“You can send e-mails for free, but not payments,” says Larsen. “Finally we might get finance to the place where e-mail or social networking has taken communication.”

“OpenCoin’s Ripple protocol, which enables free instant global payments in any currency, including Bitcoin, supports many of the advantages of a math-based currency like Bitcoin while also addressing some of the drawbacks,” says Jeremy Liew, managing director of Lightspeed Venture Partners. If math-backed currencies are made useful, as OpenCoin is trying to do, they will last, he says.

In recent years, technology investors have shown a lot of interest in payments companies such as Square and Dwolla, eyeing the lucrative transaction fees levied by credit-card companies. However, OpenCoin has a very different business model, since the company does not control Ripple even though it created it. OpenCoin plans to hand out some 50 billion Ripples in coming months, and more in the future, in an attempt to get the currency to function independently. Larsen says his company aims to turn a profit by retaining a chunk, likely 25 percent, of the total 100 billion Ripples that will ever exist, in the expectation that the currency gains value.

There are already signs that Ripple is finding favor with some devotees of Bitcoin, yet convincing people and companies outside that community to start using currency not issued by any government will be a tough sell.

Liew, of Lightspeed, notes that Bitcoin has already made significant progress. “While consumer usage is still largely confined to hobbyists, large Internet companies are starting to accept payments or donations in Bitcoin, including Expensify, WordPress, and Reddit.”

A Startup’s Nanowire Ink Lifts Solar Cell Efficiency

Sol Voltaics plans to make a nanowire-laden ink to boost solar panel efficiency using a rapid manufacturing process.

By Martin LaMonica on April 10, 2013

Ink filled with microscopic semiconductors called nanowires could make solar power cheaper by boosting the efficiency of solar panels by 25 percent, without adding much cost to manufacturing, says Sol Voltaics, a startup that has raised $11 million, and which this week announced its intention to commercialize the ink.

The ink is based on two advances from Lund University in Sweden. Professor Lars Samuelson demonstrated that nanowires can improve the efficiency of solar cells, and he developed a new way to manufacture nanowires that could make them practical to use.

Increasing solar cell efficiency is one of the most effective ways to reduce the cost of solar power, since it can lower the cost per watt of solar panels as well as reduce installation costs, because fewer solar panels would be needed (see “Alta Devices: Finding a Solar Solution”).

Lund, Sweden-based Sol Voltaics plans to develop equipment to produce nanowire ink, and then sell it to existing manufacturers.  The ink is expected to boost efficiency by helping solar cells absorb more sunlight.

Research in making nanowires for solar photovoltaics has been going on for years, but fabricating nanowires has never been done in an economical way (see “Nanowires Suck Up Light from Around Them” and “How to Double the Power of Solar Panels”). Nanowires are usually grown on a substrate in a batch process that is too expensive for large-scale production.

The Lund University team lead by Samuelson has developed an alternative method that does away with the substrate. It starts by vaporizing gold to produce aerosol nanoparticles, which flow into a tube-shaped furnace along with two other gases. The gold serves as a seed that catalyzes a reaction with the gases to form gallium arsenide nanowires. In a paper published in Nature last December, the Lund researchers said that the process, called aerotaxy, can grow gallium arsenide nanowires 20 to 1,000 faster than batch deposition methods. By controlling temperature and reaction time, they can control the dimensions of the nanowires, which is key to optimizing their performance for solar cells.

Brian Korgel, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Texas, says aerotaxy “has the potential to be scaled to a continuous process.” Making large volumes would overcome one of the biggest technical challenges in scaling up gas-phase nanowire production, he says.

In a separate paper in Science earlier this year, the same researchers at Lund University showed that arrays of these nanowires made with the aerotaxy method improved the efficiency of indium phosphide solar cells by 13.8 percent by trapping more light.

The next step for Sol Voltaics is to demonstrate that the effect also works on silicon solar cells, the most common type, says CEO Dave Epstein. After it does that, it intends to develop equipment to manufacture the nanowires. He estimates that the ink would add one or two cents per watt to production costs—it currently costs less than 75 cents per watt to make solar panels. “It only takes one gram of nanowires to cover a square meter of a silicon solar panel, so they only need a very small amount of material,” he says.

 “Every indication is that even if there will be an additional cost, the increased efficiency will far outweigh the cost,” says Alf Bjørseth, the founder of REC Solar and an investor in Sol Voltaics.

If the nanowire-ink-on-silicon approach is effective, the company plans to begin small-scale production in 2015. It expects to need $50 million—much less than a full-scale solar factory—to produce at commercial scale, since it’s only selling an add-on product.

Analysis: Big brain projects highlight drug research gaps

By Ben Hirschler and Kate Kelland

LONDON | Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:10am EDT

(Reuters) – Governments on both sides of the Atlantic are placing big new bets on the future of brain science, just as much of the pharmaceutical industry retreats from the field.

Brain disorders ranging from depression to Alzheimer’s are extracting an ever greater social and economic cost across the globe. But while the United States and European Union are funding ambitious efforts in neuroscience, the private sector is often skeptical about the prospect of rapid breakthrough cures.

Many pharmaceutical companies harbor deep doubts about whether neuroscience is worth their investment dollars as a boom period for once highly profitable psychiatric medicines comes to an end and new drugs prove hard to find.

President Barack Obama unveiled a major initiative last week to map the individual cells and circuits that make up the human brain. That announcement followed a EU decision in January to award up to $1.3 billion to a Swiss-based project aiming to create a synthetic “computerized” brain.

The two programs – Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) and the Human Brain Project – have been compared with the Human Genome Project, the 13-year venture to map human DNA completed in 2003. In fact, they are even more ambitious, given their open-ended nature.

Yet it will be years, possibly decades, before the findings of these programs make any significant difference to the millions of people worldwide suffering from brain disorders – a challenge for both neuroscientists and industry.

Brain science may be on the cusp of a new era, but in the short term it is proving frustratingly hard to improve on the uneven effectiveness of existing drugs – such as the 25-year-old antidepressant Prozac – or to find new Alzheimer’s treatments.


At a festival of neuroscience on the banks of London’s River Thames this week, 2,000 neuroscientists from all areas of the field tried to bring their work to life for the public.

Wearing blue badges saying “ask me about brains” enthusiasts from universities, charities and patient groups invited visitors to “knit a neuron” or stimulate their grey matter by interacting with a walking man-sized sponge brain.

In rooms set back from the fun, brain scientists presented data on the prefrontal cortex and decision making, and delivered lectures on neuropsychiatry in the 21st century.

Some were buoyed by the news that world leaders have finally begun to notice their field, and are stumping up serious cash, but there is also a fear the big brain projects may generate more hype than help.

“There’s going to be a lot of hype about this, just as there was at the beginning of the Human Genome Project,” said Stephen Rose, a professor of biology and neurobiology at the Open University and the University of London.

“(Obama’s BRAIN plan) will no doubt advance neuroscience, but whether it will advance patient care is a different question,” he said, confessing also to “considerable skepticism” about the European brain project. That, he said, would probably do more for computing than it would for brain science.

Moncef Slaoui, head of research at GlaxoSmithKline, knows the ups and downs or the neuroscience field.

His company is one of those that has cut back its research and development work in neuroscience areas such as pain and depression, although it is still investing in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Britain’s biggest drugmaker also has a new vision for treating disease by developing “bioelectronics” to target the electrical signals transmitted by nerves.

“With the investments that are being made now in brain mapping, I am very confident that major breakthroughs will come – I just don’t know when,” Slaoui told Reuters.


Although the Western world is still popping plenty of pills for mental illness, patent expiries and tumbling prices as cheap generics hit the market mean industry profits are eroding fast.

Worldwide sales of antidepressants, which peaked at $15 billion in 2003, are set to fall to $5.4 billion 2018, while antipsychotics are expected to tumble from a record $21 billion in 2011 to $9.8 billion, according to consensus analyst forecasts compiled by Thomson Reuters Pharma.

Yet there is still a big unmet need, with depression alone expected to be the largest cause of disability worldwide by 2030, according to the World Health Organization.

The economic consequences are also huge, with the World Economic Forum estimating in 2011 that the cumulative global impact of mental disorders in terms of lost economic output would amount to $16 trillion by 2030.

Finding new drugs to treat brain disorders is notoriously tough. Early tests on animals are of limited value, since mice cannot tell scientists what they are feeling, and placebo drugs – or sugar pills – tend to have a major impact in human studies, making it very hard to know if a particular drug is working.

David Nutt, a professor of psychopharmacology at Imperial College London, also says restrictive rules on the drugs researchers can use to explore the brain are hindering progress.

“Most of the studies we do in animals that tell us about the brain use drugs which we cannot use in humans,” he told Reuters. “We need to have a toolbox for human use. We need to have them made available so that we can ask fundamental questions about human brains.”


Companies that have cut back neuroscience work in recent years include GSK, Merck, Novartis and AstraZeneca, with the latter taking a further step to downgrade the area last month.

But not everyone is quitting. Eli Lilly and Johnson & Johnson still have major investments in neuroscience, while Roche – best known for cancer treatments – has recently increased its investment on brain disorders.

“It’s still early days but we believe there is a lot of potential in neuroscience,” said Roche CEO Severin Schwan.

The Swiss drugmaker has a new treatment for schizophrenia in final-stage Phase III trials, results of which are due in the first half of 2014. If it works, Deutsche Bank analysts believe bitopertin could be a $4 billion-a-year seller.

Other analysts are skeptical, especially since the success rate for brain drugs in Phase III is poor, averaging around 50 percent against 50-80 percent for other disease areas.

The general pullback by industry has thinned out the field, which could be good for those companies remaining – although it may not last.

“The big brain initiatives in both the U.S. and Europe are long-term. Ultimately, I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up throwing up positive developments that prompt Big Pharma to re-enter the area,” said Anders Gersel Pedersen, research head at Danish neuroscience specialist Lundbeck.

(editing by David Stamp)

Why Obama’s Brain-Mapping Project Matters

Obama calls for $100 million to develop new technologies to understand the brain.

By Susan Young on April 8, 2013

Last week, President Obama officially announced $100 million in funding for arguably the most ambitious neuroscience initiative ever proposed.

The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies, or BRAIN, as the project is now called, aims to reconstruct the activity of every single neuron as they fire simultaneously in different brain circuits, or perhaps even whole brains.

The “next great American project,” as Obama called it, could help neuroscientists understand the origins of cognition, perception, and other enigmatic brain activities, which may lead to new, more effective treatments for conditions like autism or mood disorders and could help veterans suffering from brain injuries.

Big brain science is also on the minds of Europeans; the European Union recently announced a nearly 1.2 billion Euro, 10-year proposal to computationally simulate the human brain from the level of molecules and neurons up through neuronal circuits.

Various tools—from genetics and molecular biology—have helped researchers understand how neurons behave as individuals. But neuroscientists are now able to study only the activity of a handful of these brain cells at a time using voltage-sensing electrode probes.

Other efforts to map the physical connections in the brain are already under way, but these projects either look at dead brains or provide only a rough, low-resolution view of how regions of the brain communicate. For example, the Allen Institute for Brain Science has developed several so-called Brain Atlases that map the physical connections between neurons in different species’ brains as well as the patterns of unique genetics in each neuron. While these static maps are great to learn about the architecture of the brain, they don’t provide information about how neuron activity leads to brain function.

It’s possible to get a rough view of whole-neural-circuit activity using tools like MRI and EEG, but only at a low resolution. And the behavior of the brain in between these two scales—how thousands or millions of neurons interact to control the behavior of discrete circuits in the brain—has been inaccessible. Scientists don’t yet understand how complex interactions among many neurons at once give rise to neural circuit function.

The BRAIN initiative proposes to develop new technologies that can record the activity from thousands, if not millions or billions, of neurons simultaneously at timescales matching behavior and mental activities. The initiative will likely tackle discrete brain circuits within different species of animals to understand how neurons work together to give rise to behaviors, moods, and other mental phenomena.

Developing novel technologies will be necessary to achieve the goals of BRAIN, and these will likely take advantage of recent advances in nanotechnology. Existing sensors can record the electrical activity of neurons, but can typically monitor fewer than 100 neurons at a time.

Emerging micro- and nanofabrication techniques could be used to create smaller chips bearing smaller electrical and even chemical probes that would be less invasive. Nanoprobes bearing several dozen electrodes, for instance, could be stacked to probe hundreds of thousands of recording sites and transmit data wirelessly.

Alternatively, nanoparticles carrying molecules that bring them to specific cell types could lodge in cell membranes so surgical placement wouldn’t be necessary. The nanoparticles could also carry molecules that can sense electrical activity, pressure, or even certain chemicals revealing brain activity.

Novel optical techniques could also aid the mapping project. When a neuron fires, the amount of calcium inside cells increases, so many research groups use calcium-sensitive fluorescent dyes to study neuron activity. But this measurement is once removed from the actual electrical activity of the neuron. A voltage-sensitive fluorescent molecule or other imaging agent could provide a more accurate view of activity.

Synthetic biology could be another useful tool. Enzymes that build strands of DNA are sensitive to ion concentration and will introduce more errors into their DNA production in the presence of calcium. As such, these enzymes could be used as sensors for neuron activity. A predetermined DNA sequence could be implanted into neurons and, as it is copied, the resulting strand of DNA would provide a record of the patterns of errors corresponding to patterns of neuron activity. Error-spotted strands from different neurons could later be sequenced.

Researchers sketched out a rough roadmap for the project in a 2012 proposal. The initiative will most likely start with the development of improved calcium-imaging methods for recording neuron firing, followed by voltage-imaging of neuron activity. Since these two methods would look only at surface structures (because light cannot travel far into brain tissue), the third step could be the development of large arrays of nanoprobes.

In the first five years, the initiative may start with small circuits, such as the whole nervous system of the nematode C. elegans (which has only 302 neurons and 7,000 connections) and discrete circuits of the fruit fly brain. Individual circuits in a mouse nervous system, such as that in the retina or olfaction center, could be tackled within 10 years, and within 15 years, scientists may be able to reconstruct the neuronal activity of the entire neocortex of a mouse.

Even without directly exploring the human brain, the resulting insights could have a profound impact on neuroscience and medicine—that is, if everything in this next great American project goes according to plan.

Roche to use Isis’s technology to develop brain disorder drug

Mon Apr 8, 2013 11:05am EDT

(Reuters) – Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc said it will form an alliance with Swiss drugmaker Roche Holding AG to develop treatments for Huntington’s disease, a genetic brain disorder, based on the U.S. company’s technology.

Roche will pay Isis $30 million upfront and up to $362 million in licensing and milestone payments. Isis will also receive tiered royalties on sales of any commercial drugs that result from the partnership.

Development will initially focus on Isis’s lead drug candidate that blocks the production of all forms of the Huntingtin protein, responsible for the disorder.

Huntington’s disease results in the progressive loss of both mental and physical abilities, with symptoms usually appearing between the ages of 30 and 50.

Isis will be responsible for the discovery and development of any drug that uses the company’s antisense technology, a mechanism that works by inhibiting a cell’s production of the disease-causing protein.

About 1 in every 10,000 people in the United States suffer from the disorder, according to Huntington’s Disease Society of America.

Roche has the option to license the drugs from Isis through the completion of the first early stage trial.

The companies will also collaborate on the development of a drug utilizing Roche’s “brain shuttle” program, which seeks to improve penetration of antisense drugs.

“We believe our mature antisense drug discovery platform is a perfect fit for Roche’s neuroscience franchise, and we anticipate a fruitful collaboration to advance our pre-clinical compounds,” Frank Bennett, senior vice president of research at Isis, said in a statement.

Isis shares were up 1 percent at $17.58 in morning trade on the Nasdaq on Monday.

(Reporting by Esha Dey in Bangalore; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila)

Will Vertical Turbines Make More of the Wind?

A Caltech researcher thinks arrays of tiny wind turbines could produce cheaper power than big ones.

By Kevin Bullis on April 8, 2013

The remote Alaskan village of Igiugig—home to about 50 people—will be the first to demonstrate a new approach to wind power that could boost power output and, its inventors say, just might make it more affordable.

For decades, the trend across the wind industry has been to make wind turbines larger and larger—because it has improved efficiency and helped lower costs.

John Dabiri, a professor of aeronautical and bioengineering at Caltech, has a heretical idea. He thinks the way to lower the cost of wind power is to use small vertical-axis wind turbines, while using computer models to optimize their arrangement in a wind farm so that each turbine boosts the power output of its neighbors.

Dabiri has demonstrated the basic idea at a 24-turbine test plot in southern California. Grants totaling $6 million from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the U.S. Department of Defense will allow him to see if the approach can lower wind power costs in Igiugig. The first 10 turbines will be installed this year, and the goal is to eventually install 50 to 70 turbines, which would produce roughly as much power as the diesel generators the village uses now. Dabiri is also installing turbines at an existing wind farm in Palm Springs, California, using his models to generate power by putting up new turbines between existing ones.

Ordinarily, as wind passes around and through a wind turbine, it produces turbulence that buffets downstream turbines, reducing their power output and increasing wear and tear. Dabiri says that vertical-axis turbines produce a wake that can be beneficial to other turbines, if they’re positioned correctly.

The blades of this type of wind turbine are arranged vertically—like poles on a carousel rather than spokes on a wheel, as with conventional wind turbines. Wind moving around the vertical-axis turbines speeds up, and the vertical arrangement of the blades on downstream wind turbines allows them to effectively catch that wind, speed up, and generate more power. (The spinning blades of a conventional wind turbine would only catch some of this faster wind as they pass through it—this actually hurts the turbine’s performance because it increases stress on the blades.) The arrangement makes it possible to pack more turbines onto a piece of land.

Dabiri’s wind turbines are 10 meters tall and generate three to five kilowatts, unlike the 100-meter-tall, multi-megawatt machines in conventional wind farms. He says the smaller ones are easier to manufacture and could cost less than conventional ones if produced on a large scale. He also says maintenance costs could be less because the generator sits on the ground, rather than at the top of a 100-meter tower, and thus is easier to access. The performance of the wind farm at Igiugig will help determine whether his estimates of maintenance costs are correct.

Dabiri says small, vertical wind turbines have other advantages. While the noise of conventional wind turbines has led some communities to campaign to tear them down, his turbines are “almost inaudible,” he says. They’re also less likely to kill birds. And their short profile has attracted a $1 million grant from the Department of Defense to study their use on military bases. Because they’re shorter, they interfere less with helicopter operations and with radar than conventional wind turbines.

The approach, however, faces some challenges. Vertical-axis wind turbines aren’t as efficient as conventional ones—half of the time the blades are actually moving against the wind, rather than generating the lift needed spin a generator. As the blades alternatively catch the wind and then move against it, they create wear and tear on the structure, says Fork Felker, director of the National Wind Technology Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Dabiri, and researchers such as Alexander Smits at Princeton University, say they are working on improved turbine designs to address some of these issues.

Felker notes that Dabiri’s approach will also require installing a thousand times more wind turbines, requiring potentially millions of wind turbines rather than thousands to generate significant fractions of U.S. power supply. And he notes that, over the last several decades, the wind industry has demonstrated that making ever larger wind turbines lowers costs (“Novel Designs are Taking Wind Power to the Next Level,” “Supersized Wind Turbines Head Out to Sea,” and “The Quest for the Monster Wind Turbine Blade.” “Going in the other direction, I believe, will not be successful,” he says. “I don’t think the math works out.”

Felker thinks that Dabiri’s approach might prove fitting for small, isolated places like Igiugig, where simpler construction and maintenance might be important. “But if you’re trying to transform the overall energy economy,” he says, “you’ve got to go big.”

Twitter Arrives on Wall Street, Via Bloomberg


Largely blocked on Wall Street, Twitter is making its big debut on trading desks — via Bloomberg terminals.

Bloomberg L.P. announced on Thursday that it was incorporating tweets into its data service, which is widely used in the financial industry. The new feature allows traders and other professionals to monitor social media buzz and important news about companies they follow.

This arrival of Twitter comes through something of a side door. The big Wall Street banks largely ban the use of Twitter and other social media sites at work, citing regulations governing communication. Though some firms are allowing certain employees onto social media, that usage is carefully controlled.

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Now, bank employees are getting a broader and more organized view of what’s being said in the Twittersphere. Some on Wall Street already use their mobile phones to monitor the site for information that could move stocks.

Bloomberg’s new service shows tweets sorted by company and topic, allowing users to search by key word and to set up alerts for when a particular company is getting an unusual amount of attention.

“We were getting requests from customers who were seeing news they wanted to be aware of on Twitter,” said Brian Rooney, core products manager for news at Bloomberg, who said that compliance officers from Wall Street banks had expressed an interest in allowing employees to see tweets.

But Mr. Rooney added: “This isn’t where you monitor The Onion or Ashton Kutcher.”

Rather, Bloomberg will show tweets from companies, chief executives and other news-makers, in addition to certain economists and financial bloggers. Mr. Rooney cited the economist Nouriel Roubini and Paul Kedrosky, the investor and blogger, as examples.

It’s not uncommon these days for news to surface on Twitter, even before the wire services carry it. This week, the Securities and Exchange Commission outlined rules for disseminating corporate information via social media outlets like Twitter.

“It just seems like there’s been a tipping point where more companies are using Twitter and other social media to put out announcements,” said Ted Merz, news content business manager at Bloomberg. “That’s evidenced by what the S.E.C. put out.”

Homegrown Efforts to Recruit Women in Silicon Valley


Silicon Valley is not exactly known for its diversity. So when Andreessen Horowitz, the venture capital firm, wanted to make sure its job postings were reaching the most diverse audience possible, its partners did what most people in Silicon Valley do when they spot a problem. They turned to software.

They used programs that analyze the language in job descriptions to catch phrases that might turn off certain types of applicants. Looking for a candidate who is “off the charts”? Chances are, not that many women will apply.

“That’s just not how women talk,” said Margit Wennmachers, a partner at the firm. “They say, ‘Must be highly competent.’ ”

It is an example of many homegrown efforts across the Valley to change the face of the tech industry. There have always been big organizations hosting conferences and networking events for women. But newer efforts are springing up from inside companies.

There are programs to teach girls to code, like Girls Who Code, for which companies like Twitter and Google lend office space and teachers.CodeChix, started by engineers at companies like VMware, hosts coding workshops that promise to be “non-alpha.”

The Club is an application-only group trying to provide an alternative to golf courses and men’s membership clubs by coaching women leaders in Silicon Valley. It was founded by Annie Rogaski, a partner at Kilpatrick Townsend, a Valley law firm.

Rachel Sklar, who started a group called Change the Ratio, is introducing an organization called The List where members who pay have access to other women for advice, financing and conference speaking gigs.

“It’s to achieve the function of the classic old boys’ club, which funnels very easy advice and access and opportunity,” Ms. Sklar said.

At Andreessen Horowitz, the firm asks real people, not just software, to review all job descriptions, too — so in addition to the hiring manager, people who are women, African American and from other minority groups in Silicon Valley have input.

The firm also has a partner in charge of diversity who helps acquire a broad set of candidates for the firm’s talent agency, which its 200 portfolio companies tap for engineering and leadership roles. Despite those efforts, all of the firm’s investing partners are men.

“There’s a huge talent war going on, so we are doing a lot of things to try to surface all kinds of diverse talent and bubble that up to our portfolio companies,” Ms. Wennmachers said.

“What I’d like to see is Marla Zuckerberg and Mary Jobs and Joann Bezos.”

Messenger RNAs Could Create a New Class of Drugs

New partnerships could help bring a novel class of biopharmaceutical to patients.

By Susan Young on April 2, 2013

Messenger RNAs—molecules that carry information between the genome and the protein-building machinery of cells—could become the next big class of biopharmaceutical drug.

These molecules were once thought unusable as drugs because they are notoriously fragile and could rouse an inflammatory immune response. Now, thanks to several recent scientific discoveries, they are attracting the increasing attention of pharmaceutical companies.

Recently, the pharmaceutical heavyweight AstraZeneca announced it would pay Moderna Therapetuics $240 million for rights to the startup’s mRNA technology, which it will use to develop treatments for cardiovascular, metabolic, and cancer patients.

Inside a cell, mRNA serves as an intermediary between DNA-encoding genes and their protein products. As a drug, an mRNA would supply the biological instructions for producing a protein inside cells, perhaps a protein that replaces a missing or broken version inherited as part of a genetic disorder. In some ways, an mRNA would be more efficient than DNA-based gene therapy (which would require the cells to make their own mRNA intermediary before producing a protein) and more effective than recombinant protein therapy. While several companies are developing therapeutic gene-silencing RNAs, which inhibit damaging proteins from being made in the body (see “RNAi Drug for Cholesterol” and “Gene Silencing Technique Targets Scarring”), few have tried adapting mRNAs to bring in beneficial replacement gene products.

One reason is that natural mRNAs stir up trouble in the body. “If you inject regular mRNA into the body, the body thinks it’s a virus, so you get a very strong innate immune response,” says Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. To avoid this reaction, Moderna changes some of the building blocks of its mRNAs, known as nucleotides, so that the immune system no longer recognizes the molecule as dangerous. Of the four possible nucleotide “letters” in an mRNA, the company uses one or two variants or analogs of the standard nucleotides when synthesizing its mRNA. These analogs exist naturally in cells, but the idea that subbing them into mRNA sequences could avoid an immune system response is only a few years old—it was first reported by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine researchers in 2005.

The substitutions seem to help another hangup with mRNAs—their notorious fragility. “Everybody considers mRNA to be the most unstable molecule you can think of,” says Christian Plank, founder and chief scientific officer of Ethris, a German company also developing modified mRNAs as drugs. “This opinion is still in the minds of most people and is a major reason why only a few people have thought of using it,” says Plank.

The analogs make the mRNAs more stable, and the company has shown that the molecules can last for up to 72 hours in the body, says Bancel. In comparison, some protein therapies can be gone within a few hours, he says.

Once injected, the mRNA is taken up by cells, says Bancel. The cell’s machinery then reads the mRNA and produces whatever protein it encodes. “The beauty is that the patient’s cells produce the drug,” says Carsten Rudolph, CEO of Ethris. That means that the proteins made from an injected mRNA would carry less of an immune response risk than if the proteins were made in bacteria or yeast and then injected, says Rudolph. And more proteins may then be available to patients, because not every protein can be manufactured at large scale.

Finally, mRNAs cannot integrate into the genome and so do not present the same risk of disrupting normal gene that DNA-based gene therapies do. “In general, gene therapy is a good approach, and in recent years there have been good breakthroughs, but for non-life-threatening disease, you want to avoid any potential risk you can think of, and integration into the genome is a known risk,” says Plank.

Ethris also recently partnered with a pharmaceutical companyShire, based in Massachusetts—to develop treatments for patients with rare diseases based on its technology. Success for either AstraZeneca or Shire will require a venture into still uncharted waters: the first in-patient studies of the new biopharmaceutical.

How to Make a Computer from a Living Cell

Genetic logic gates will enable biologists to program cells for chemical production and disease detection.

 By Katherine Bourzac on March 28, 2013

If biologists could put computational controls inside living cells, they could program them to sense and report on the presence of cancer, create drugs on site as they’re needed, or dynamically adjust their activities in fermentation tanks used to make drugs and other chemicals. Now researchers at Stanford University have developed a way to make genetic parts that can perform the logic calculations that might someday control such activities.

The Stanford researchers’ genetic logic gate can be used to perform the full complement of digital logic tasks, and it can store information, too. It works by making changes to the cell’s genome, creating a kind of transcript of the cell’s activities that can be read out later with a DNA sequencer. The researchers call their invention a “transcriptor” for its resemblance to the transistor in electronics. “We want to make tools to put computers inside any living cell—a little bit of data storage, a way to communicate, and logic,” says Drew Endy, the bioengineering professor at Stanford who led the work.

Timothy Lu, who leads the Synthetic Biology Group at MIT, is working on similar cellular logic tools. “You can’t deliver a silicon chip into cells inside the body, so you have to build circuits out of DNA and proteins,” Lu says. “The goal is not to replace computers, but to open up biological applications that conventional computing simply cannot address.”

Biologists can give cells new functions through traditional genetic engineering, but Endy, Lu, and others working in the field of synthetic biology want to make modular parts that can be combined to build complex systems from the ground up. The cellular logic gates, Endy hopes, will be one key tool to enable this kind of engineering.

Cells genetically programmed with a biological “AND” gate might, for instance, be used to detect and treat cancer, says Endy. If protein A and protein B are present—where those proteins are characteristic of, say, breast cancer—then this could trigger the cell to produce protein C, a drug.

In the cancer example, says Endy, you’d want the cell to respond to low levels of cancer markers (the signal) by producing a large amount of the drug. The case is the same for biological cells designed to detect pollutants in the water supply—ideally, they’d generate a very large signal (for example, quantities of bright fluorescent proteins) when they detect a small amount of a pollutant.

The transcriptor triggers the production of enzymes that cause alterations in the cell’s genome. When the production of those enzymes is triggered by the signal—a protein of interest, for example—these enzymes will delete or invert a particular stretch of DNA in the genome. Researchers can code the transcriptor to respond to one, or multiple, different such signals. The signal can be amplified because one change in the cell’s DNA can lead the cell to produce a large amount of the output protein over time.

Depending on how the transcriptor is designed, it can act as a different kind of logic gate—an “AND” gate that turns on only in the presence of two proteins, an “OR” gate that’s turned on by one signal or another, and so on. Endy says these gates could be combined into more complex circuits by making the output of one the input for the next. This work is described today in the journal Science.

MIT’s Lu says cellular circuits like his and Endy’s, which use enzymes to alter DNA, are admittedly slow. From input to output, it can take a few hours for a cell to respond and change its activity. Other researchers have made faster cellular logic systems that use other kinds of biomolecules—regulatory proteins or RNA, for example. But Lu says these faster systems lack signal amplification and memory. Future cellular circuits are likely to use some combination of different types of gates, Lu says.

Christopher Voigt, a biological engineer at MIT, says the next step is to combine genetic logic gates to make integrated circuits capable of more complex functions. “We want to make cells that can do real computation,” he says.