Mobile Banking Threat on the Rise as Hackers ‘Refine’ Techniques

By Jennifer Booton

The malicious software used by bad guys to steal banking data is on the rise.

While the crackdown on digital currencies has helped thwart some operations used by cyber criminals to launder money, crime through Trojans to nab critical banking data nevertheless remains a problem.

In the third quarter, online banking Trojans, which are used to steal banking information from the user, soared to a record high with more than 200,000 infections, the highest since 2002, according to new data from TrendLabs.

The next highest in more recent history was 146,000 infections, which took place in the second quarter.

Just three countries – the U.S., Brazil and Japan – accounted for more than half of the infections, though TrendLabs said infections spread across the globe and were no longer concentrated on just Europe and the Americas.

“Cybercriminals continued to refine their techniques this quarter,” TrustLabs said in its third-quarter report. “Online banking malware infections increased in several regions … we also caught a glimpse of the massive scale of compromised sites.”

This, of course, comes as more people around the globe bank on the go, using their phones and PCs to do anything from check their balance and transfer money to pay their bills.

In an August survey by the Federal Reserve, nearly 21% of U.S. mobile phone users said they used mobile banking in the past 12 months, while 11% of those who had not yet used it reported they would “definitely” or “probably” bank in the next year.

The security firm also pointed to the rise in malicious and high-risk apps targeting Google’s (GOOG) Android. That category reached the one-million mark for the first time in September, with 800,000 having malicious characteristics.

The remaining apps, considered to be high risk, included those that aggressively pushed ads to users, known as “adware,” which can lead to device information theft.

Netflix adopts new look on Internet-connected TVs in bid to lure viewers from other channels

SAN FRANCISCO –  Netflix is reprogramming the way its Internet video subscription service appears on millions of television screens in an attempt to hook viewers for even longer periods.

The makeover of Netflix’s TV menu will start showing up Wednesday on televisions that connect to the Internet through recently released Blu-ray disc players, PlayStation and Xbox video game consoles and the Roku 3 set-top box.

Netflix’s service will look the same on its applications for mobile devices and its website, as well as on TVs that rely on Apple TV and a variety of other gadgets that stream Internet video.

As has been the case for years, Netflix Inc.’s revamped TV menu will continue to highlight entertainment that the company’s automated recommendation system picks based on each subscriber’s viewing preferences.

But the new design includes more visual thumbnails and details about the recommendations, including a capsule explaining why a particular movie or TV series might appeal to the interests of each subscriber. A blurb about each episode in TV series also will be shown. If a subscriber has enabled their Netflix activity to be tied to Facebook’s social network, the new format also will list friends who have previously watched the video.

“This is the biggest change to the Netflix experience on televisions in our history,” said Neil Hunt, Netflix’s chief product officer.

Netflix’s move marks another step in the company’s push to make its online streaming service as compelling as any of the channels on cable and satellite systems. Unlike those channels, which are bundled in subscription packages, Netflix Inc. pipes its service through high-speed Internet connections and sells it as a stand-alone option for $8 month.

The company’s alternative approach is increasingly popular, helping Netflix attract 31 million U.S. subscribers — an audience that just surpassed that of HBO’s older pay-TV channel. HBO, owned by Time Warner Inc. still has a far larger global audience, with 114 million worldwide subscribers compared to 40 million for Netflix.

In a change from past updates, Netflix is simultaneously releasing its redesigned menu on multiple video-streaming devices. The new look will gradually roll out during the next two weeks to Netflix subscribers watching the service through Roku’s latest player, newer Blu-ray players and Smart TVs and the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Xbox 360 video-game consoles. The Los Gatos, Calif. company is planning to introduce the new look on older Roku players and other streaming devices next year.

Although Netflix also works on computers and smartphones, TVs accounted for most of the 5 billion hours watched on the service during the three months ending in September. The total usage works out to an average of about 42 viewing hours per subscriber each month, up from an average of 38 hours per subscriber in the middle of last year.

The rising popularity of Netflix’s service has helped lift the company’s stock price, which has more than tripled this year.

You’ve been Googled: Google to expose your face in online ads

By John R. Quain

They did warn us.

You get a message from a friend: “Hey, didn’t know you were using those adult diapers! Great choice!” It turns out your picture is attached to an ad going out to thousands of people—and you didn’t know a thing about it.

You’re mortified to discover that Google + simply culled your likeness and tied it to the ad. It’s part of what’s called “Shared Endorsements.” Google has done something similar in the past with its “+1” program but now it has expanded the program, adding pictures and quotes from you to an ad even if all you did was follow that store or service.


As of this week, Google will start using your face and words in third-party ads for products and services. If that sounds disconcerting to you, here’s how to disable it:

You can opt out by unchecking the box at the bottom of this page.

Google did warn users about the coming change in the company’s terms of service about a month ago, and this week it finally made good on the promise. And it’s easy enough to turn off the feature. If you follow a store or coffee company, your image and ungrammatical words, could appear under an ad for the company displayed to tens of thousands of people.

So what’s the big deal?

There’s the Money:
Celebrities live off their endorsements, so what are you, chopped liver? Why shouldn’t you get something for it? If your endorsement is so valuable to Google, shouldn’t they pay for it? The company could at least toss some Bitcoin your way or a free latte.

If you follow a store, your image and words could appear under an ad for the company.

Of course, the standard response from tech companies is that you are using the service for free (and Google has some amazingly great services), but those services have to be paid for somehow. That’s why it is increasingly forcing users to sign up to Google + to use some YouTube features. This kind of “innovative” and “disruptive” advertising and dataming is a way to pay for such amazingly great services.

It sounds like a reasonable argument except that Google is already one of the most profitable tech businesses in the world. The Google billionaires don’t seem to be hurting for revenues. Squeezing more money out of you by using your visage and tracking your online behavior seems, well, greedy.

It’s Deceptive:
Just because you like something, it doesn’t mean you would recommend that millions buy it or that you endorse the behavior of the CEO. But that is exactly what these customized Google ads imply, that you are endorsing a person, place or thing without qualification. That is blatantly false, of course, but at the moment, it’s legal.

It’s also intentionally deceptive in that adding your appearance (or MOS, man on the street, image) to the ad makes it appear that you consented, but of course you’ve done no such thing. It also doesn’t convey other information that may have influenced that endorsement (hey, my sister in law runs the store, of course I liked it). It looks ripe for a Federal Communications Commission complaint.

You Cannot Give Consent:
No one calls you or sends you a text (or a contract) asking for your permission. If they did, then perhaps many of us would say, “Why not? I love their skiis!” But you are not given the option to publicly like one product or choose not be associated with a certain pizza chain.

Yes, you can go to the Google + settings and turn off Shared Endorsements, but it’s a Facebook-style move that is designed to fly under the radar. They’re hoping you don’t notice.

Privacy and Piracy:|
Publishing your likes, the products you buy, and the services you use is not a harmless practice. It can lay you open to burglars, hackers, fraud and identity theft. Pretending that it doesn’t is simply not being truthful to people.

Sure, there are those who want to be chosen and won’t be. Those people can go Tweet their endorsements.

You’re Fair Game:
In a world where everyone from the National Security Agency to Google is tracking your every move, people should know better. That’s the attitude from folks like Google’s Eric Schmidt. It’s a digital retread of caveat emptor, buyer beware.

However, when every Web site can change its terms of service every day, it’s unreasonable to ask each of us to track and police on a daily basis what these companies do.

Naturally, you can opt out, not converse with friends online, and limit your career opportunities by eschewing every sort of social networking. Or you can protest. Send Google messages, and do what many have done: Switch your picture with that of Eric Schmidt. Then you can like as many embarrassing products as you want.

Can Genomics Blow Up the Clinical Trial?

Genomic technology could accelerate patient trials of new cancer drugs that are targeted to a tumor’s individual molecular profile.

By Susan Young on November 12, 2013

A novel kind of clinical trial is set to test several new lung cancer drugs based on the molecular profiles of each participating patient’s tumor.

If successful, the trial could help bring cancer-genome-targeted medicines to patients more quickly than has been possible to date. Trials often only test one new drug at a time, and in cases when researchers do use genomic profiling to match a patient to a new treatment, they may struggle to find suitable candidates.


One of the great promises of genomic medicine is that doctors will be able to tailor treatments to an individual patient’s disease. In the case of cancer, patients could be given an effective drug from the get-go based on a tumor’s particular molecular disruptions instead of going through a trial-and-error process to find a drug that works.

But the clinical trials that test new drugs for safety and efficacy—and that move compounds from labs and into patient care—haven’t yet adopted this new paradigm. “Despite the fact that we have genomic characterizations of lung cancer, we have the frustrating situation that we haven’t been able to implement them in clinical trials to develop targeted drugs,” says Vali Papadimitrakopoulou, an oncologist at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and lead investigator of the trial.

That’s in part due to the costs and unreliability of DNA sequencing technology, she says. But now, with lower cost and more accurate high-speed methods for sequencing, a large coalition of drug companies, academic researchers, federal regulators, and patient advocacy groups is looking to a novel clinical trial setup to speed targeted cancer drugs to patients. The trial, dubbed the “master protocol,” will test several new lung cancer drugs, which will be given to patients individually based on the genomic profile of their tumors. If successful, the new trial setup could bring forward a faster and more efficient way of conducting late-stage patient trials.

The trial will focus on compounds designed to treat squamous cell lung cancer. The genomic changes that drive cancers can be wildly different from patient to patient, or even between two patients who have tumors in the same organ. A given molecular abnormality can be rare, which creates a challenge for researchers trying to find patients to participate in a clinical trial of a molecularly targeted drug. If a drug is designed to target a particular molecular abnormality, researchers may have to screen 100 patients to find even two that can join a clinical trial, says Papadimitrakopoulou. “We are trying to offer a trial where patients can participate no matter what their profile looks like,” she says.

To create this more inclusive trial, Papadimitrakopoulou and colleagues identified the most common genomic profiles for squamous cell lung cancer and identified drugs in development that could address each form of the disease. Several drug companies, including Amgen, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer are involved, the first time these players will work together in a late-stage patient test that could end with a new drug approved by the FDA, says Roy Herbst, an oncologist at Yale Cancer Center who is helping lead the trial. Although drug companies have pooled resources to test cancer drugs in the past, they have never worked together to test drugs in such a late-stage setting.

“This is the future way of doing trials in the genomic age,” says Herbst.

Patients who have tumors with genomic profiles that do not match any of the targeted drugs can still receive an experimental treatment—one arm of the trial will test a drug designed to stimulate the immune system to attack cancer.

Last week, the Boston-area cancer genomics company Foundation Medicine announced that it would provide the tumor-screening technology for the trial. Foundation Medicine offers a diagnostic tumor screen for use by doctors treating cancer patients. Doctors send in a biopsied sample of a patient’s tumor, and Foundation Medicine sequences the tumor’s DNA and then reports back any DNA mutations that suggest a certain drug will or won’t work (see “Foundation Medicine: Personalizing Cancer Drugs”).

The master protocol trial is set to start in 2014. Its leaders are already anticipating that the new trial design will be applied to other types of cancer and potentially other types of disease.

“I think [the new approach] will result in drugs being much more quickly approved,” says Herbst.

Dropbox improves corporate features amid new competition from Amazon


(Reuters) – Dropbox Inc on Wednesday unveiled what it described as one of the most comprehensive upgrades to its service for businesses, including a feature that allows users to easily maintain both personal and corporate accounts.

The new features come at a time when large rivals like Microsoft Corp and Amazon Inc and smaller competitors are battling to win the cloud-storage market, which is widely seen as a strategic linchpin in the era of mobile computing.

The upgrades reflect the changing business focus at Dropbox – one of the most closely-watched privately held Internet companies – toward becoming a file-sharing solution for corporate customer, a critically important and lucrative market. Dropbox, valued at $4 billion by venture capital investors, is viewed as a hot prospect for an initial public offering within the next two or three years.

Dropbox said Wednesday it would let users store files in separate accounts in order to separate their personal and professional lives. The corporate Dropboxes, which are controlled by the user’s employer’s IT administrators, would also have additional security tools such as logs that track when files have been opened or moved. Administrators could also remotely wipe files from mobile devices connected to the corporate Dropbox.

The announcement came on the same day Amazon unveiled a similar tool called WorkSpaces for large enterprises at an event in Las Vegas.

Amazon’s announcement, which sent shares of the Seattle-based giant 2 percent higher on Wednesday, underscores the intensifying competition in the area of file-sharing across multiple computers and mobile devices.

Reuters reported last week that Box, one of Dropbox’s privately held competitors, had chosen bankers to lead a highly-anticipated initial public offering in early 2014. Box has positioned itself as an enterprise-grade alternative to Dropbox, with an emphasis on security and other features that corporate IT departments demand.

Conventional wisdom in Silicon Valley holds that Dropbox, which is praised for its ease of use and slick interface, needs to win over enterprise clients who are willing to pay hefty sums if it is to dominate its competition.

Dropbox offers limited amounts of storage for free to individual consumers, which had been its focus. The company said Wednesday it has 200 million consumer-grade accounts.

Dropbox for Business costs $795 a year for unlimited storage for five users and $125 for each additional user. The service has 4 million subscribers so far, Chief Executive Drew Houston said.

Ilya Fushman, the head of product for business, told Reuters that Dropbox identified its business products as the top priority for 2013.

“We don’t think of Dropbox as a personal or business product anymore,” Fushman said.

About 60 of Dropbox’s roughly 200 employees worked for a year on the new business features, which drew resources from across the company, Fushman said. For the past half year employees have worn ties and blazers to the San Francisco office every day as a playful nod to the Dropbox for Business effort – a departure for a company with a famously geeky, unbuttoned work culture.

Ads Could Soon Know If You’re an Introvert (on Twitter)

Technology that derives personality traits from Twitter updates is being tested to help target promotions and personalize customer service.

By Tom Simonite on November 8, 2013

Trying to derive a person’s wants and needs—conscious or otherwise—from online browsing and buying habits has become crucial to companies of all kinds.

Now IBM is taking the idea a step further. It is testing technology that guesses at people’s core psychological traits by analyzing what they post on Twitter, with the goal of offering personalized customer service or better-targeted promotional messages.

“We need to go below behavioral analysis like Amazon does,” says Michelle Zhou, leader of the User Systems and Experience Research Group at IBM’s Almaden Research Center in California, which developed the software. “We want to use social media to derive information about an individual—what is the overall affect of this person? How resilient is this person emotionally? People with different personalities want something different.”

Zhou’s software develops a personality profile based on a person’s most recent few hundred or thousand Twitter updates. That profile scores the “big five” traitscommonly used in psychological research: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. It also scores the person on measures of “values” (for example, hedonism and conservatism) and “needs” (for example, curiosity and social harmony).

Zhou says she is working with several IBM customers to test how the technology might help their businesses. She declines to identify the companies but says they might use the system, for example, to tune marketing messages sent by e-mail or social media, or to select the promotional content displayed when a customer logs in to his or her account.

A crucial part of the pilot program will test whether messages targeted with the technology’s help perform better than others. “Our hypothesis is that the conversion rates will be quite high,” says Zhou. At least, she expects them to be higher than is typical: e-mail marketing messages ordinarily have a response rate of just 0.34 percent, she says, and phone marketing calls achieve about 13 percent.

Zhou says that having a rough idea of a person’s personality could also help in call centers or other customer service settings, such as when an airline must break the news that a flight has been cancelled or delayed.

“Studies show people that are extroverted want a reward and recognition, like 10,000 [frequent flyer] points,” she says. “Conscientious people want efficiency, to know their new flight right away.” In a call center scenario, a customer’s personality profile might advise a customer service agent whether to efficiently provide “just the facts” or to try to be more engaging and supportive, says Zhou.

Many businesses already make use of software that analyzes social-media activity. However, it is aimed either at helping corporate representatives interact with customers or at summarizing the overall volume and tone of a discussion (see “A Social-Media Decoder”), not at profiling individuals.

IBM’s software was developed by recruiting people to answer psychological questionnaires and comparing the results with their Twitter activity. Machine learning software then looked at how different patterns of word use matched with psychological traits. Those correlations were used to derive models that can create a profile from a person’s tweets alone.

In a study where 300 people had their Twitter profiles processed by the software and also took psychometric surveys, the results were “highly correlated” more than 80 percent of the time, says Zhou. However, she notes that when people use Twitter in a specialized way—for example, journalists discussing their beat—their tweet-derived profiles may not be so representative.

Still, Zhou argues that since the methods companies currently use to target and understand their customers are relatively imprecise, IBM’s software doesn’t have to capture a person’s personality completely to be useful. She also says it should be possible to adapt the software to use other sources of data, such as call center transcripts or online customer service chats.

Software like Zhou’s that relies on language use should be able to usefully capture something of a person’s personality, says Andrew Schwartz, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, who recently published a major study of how personality traits show up in Facebook activity (See “How Your Facebook Profile Reveals More About Your Personality Than You Know”). He says previous research has shown that measured personality traits can predict future actions, such as the number of sick days or doctor’s visits a person will report.


“It seems reasonable that personality would be useful for presenting ads that resonate better with the recipient,” says Schwartz. “The ad-targeting application has been talked about for a few years now, but I think language-based measures of personality are just now becoming reliable enough to see it happen.”

Pebble Sets Sights on Fitness Trackers with New App-Making Tools

Pebble unveils developer tools that allow for motion- and gesture-tracking apps for its smart watch.

By Rachel Metz

Smart watch maker Pebble unveiled updates on Wednesday to the software tools that developers can use to build apps for its wrist-worn device. The tools extend the watch’s capabilities and may put it in more direct competition with popular fitness-tracking devices like the Jawbone Up and the Nike Fuelband.

The changes come as a growing number of smart watch makers like Samsung and Sony and fitness-tracking competitors like Jawbone and Nike jostle for consumers’ wrists. The push also shows that Pebble recognizes the role that simple sensing could play in the emergence of more broadly appealing wearable computers (see “So Far, Smart Watches Are Pretty Dumb”).

While not the first smart watch on the market, the $150 Pebble was the first to really resonate with consumers and app makers. Last year, the company raked in $10 million on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter for its gadget, which connects to your smartphone and buzzes to alert you of incoming calls and messages. About 190,000 Pebble watches have been sold.

From the start, Pebble hoped that most of the watch’s functionality would come from third-party developers. But speaking in San Francisco this week, Pebble founder and CEO Eric Migicovsky said that, in the early days, the company’s biggest goal was simply to ship the watch to its tens of thousands of Kickstarter backers.

The software development kit (SDK), officially released in April, was “definitely an alpha” version that Pebble “pushed out kind of to see what people would do with it,” he said. That kit led to the development of over 2,000 apps ranging from simple watch faces and games to remote controls, but there was clearly a lot of work still to be done. “The bug request line was ringing,” Migicovsky said.

The new SDK gives developers the option to add motion- and gesture-tracking features to Pebble apps. Several sports-related apps are already available for the Pebble, but they aren’t able to take advantage of the watch’s accelerometer.

Developers will also be able to build apps that can cache a small amount of data on the watch when the owner’s smartphone is out of range and automatically transfer it to the smartphone later on. These features could help deal with dropped Bluetooth connections and could be useful for tracking activities like swimming and running, where the user is typically separated from his phone.

Additionally, Migicovsky said, the new SDK will make it easier for developers to build Pebble apps that work with both the iPhone and Android smartphones.


Pebble is also bringing in more established companies as app developers. The company said on Wednesday that it will be adding apps from Yelp and Foursquare, among others. Pebble will roll out a software update for users before the end of the year that will enable apps with these new features to work on existing watches, and these apps will become available at that time as well.

Also on Wednesday, Pebble announced an update to its smart watch software for customers who use the Pebble with an iPhone. It will let users choose to see any app notifications on their Pebble that they’ve elected to see on their iPhone. Previously, iOS notifications on the Pebble had been limited to just a handful of functions including calls, e-mails, and texts.

Texas firm makes world’s first 3D-printed metal gun

By Konrad Krawczyk/Digital Trends

Depending on who you are, where you hail from, and where you stand on guns, 3D printing and related issues, this bit of news will either thrill and astound you, terrify you, or compel you to say “meh.”

But here goes: A company by the name of Solid Concepts has made the world’s first metal gun using a 3D printer.

Based out of Austin, Texas, the 3D-printed metal pistol made by Solid Concepts is based on the Browning 1911 firearm. Solid Concepts set out to make this gun in an effort to prove that they can make weapons that are fit for “real world applications.”

To make the gun, Solid Concepts utilized a manufacturing process known as direct metal laser sintering, or DMLS. DMLS is a 3D manufacturing process used to make metal parts for the aerospace and medical industries. The application for DMLS in the latter example is specific to surgical tools, meaning it’s perfectly suited for the creation of precision firearms.

“The whole concept of using a laser sintering process to 3D Print a metal gun revolves around proving the reliability, accuracy, and usability of 3D Metal Printing as functional prototypes and end use products,” says Solid Concepts’ vice president of additive manufacturing Kent Firestone. “It’s a common misconception that laser sintering isn’t accurate or strong enough, and we’re working to change people’s perspective.”

While 3D printers are becoming more and more affordable all the time, don’t get the wrong idea: you can’t just slap down a couple thousand bucks for a MakerBot 3D printer and hope to make your own firearm from the comfort of your own garage.

“The industrial printer we used costs more than my college tuition (and I went to a private university),” said Alyssa Parkinson, a Solid Concepts rep. ”And the engineers who run our machines are top of the line; they are experts who know what they’re doing and understand 3D Printing better than anyone in this business.”

In other words, there’s a big difference between the gun made by Solid Concepts and the weapons made by Defense Distributed, a Texas-based firm that designed guns intended to be built using 3D printers in your home.

Robots trained to become less deadly

By Megan Gannon/LiveScience

Before humans can trust robots to work as grocery store cashiers, these machines will have to prove they can do certain things like not squishing our perfect heirloom tomatoes or stabbing us with new kitchen knives at the checkout line.

A group of researchers at Cornell University is teaching a robot dubbed Baxter how to handle, properly and safely, a variety of objects, from sharp knives to egg cartons, based on human feedback in a grocery-store scenario.

“We give the robot a lot of flexibility in learning,” Ashutosh Saxena, an assistant professor of computer science at Cornell, said in a statement. “The robot can learn from corrective human feedback in order to plan its actions that are suitable to the environment and the objects present.”

For their experiments, Saxena and colleagues had a Baxter robot set up as a cashier in a mock checkout line. Baxter is a cheap, flexible robot built by a Boston-based startup called Rethink Robotics. It was primarily designed to work in assembly lines alongside people, but Baxter’s learning skills also make it an easy-to-teach cashier.

As this video of the knife-wielding robot shows, the researchers are teaching Baxter how to handle different items by manually correcting Baxter’s arm motions.

If the robot swings a sharp kitchen knife, for example, too close to the human playing customer at the checkout, a researcher could grab Baxter’s arm and guide it in the right direction.

Over time the robot learns to associate different trajectories with different objects, such as a quick flip for a cereal box or a delicate lift for a carton of eggs, the researchers say.

Saxena and colleagues will present their work at the Neural Information Processing Systems conference in Lake Tahoe, Calif., next month, but an early version of their research paper is available online.

Exclusive – Hot tech start-up Box picks banks for ’14 IPO – sources


NEW YORK Fri Nov 8, 2013 2:37pm EST

(Reuters) – Data storage company Box, one of the most highly anticipated IPO candidates in Silicon Valley, has selected banks to lead a proposed initial public offering that could come in the first half of 2014, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The fast-growing technology start-up has selected Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse andJPMorgan Chase & Co to lead the offering that could raise around $500 million, the people said.

Representatives for Box, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse did not immediately respond to requests for comment. JPMorgan declined to comment.

Box is one of several high-profile start-ups gearing up for an IPO, on the heels of a successful debut by Twitter Inc on Thursday, which raised more than $1.8 billion for the microblogging company.

Other closely watched startups which may be exploring an IPO include mobile payments company Square, Uber and Pinterest.

A public float for Box would come amid the strongest dollar volume for U.S. IPOs since 2000.

U.S. companies have raised $50.7 billion in proceeds year to date, a 26 percent increase compared to a year earlier, according to Thomson Reuters data.

This year is also the strongest year for the number of U.S. new listings since 2004.

Box, started in 2005 by University of Southern California drop-out Aaron Levie and his childhood friend Dylan Smith, has been valued at more than $1.2 billion by private investors, although it remains unclear whether the company is profitable.

The online storage company has tapped into growing demand by professional workers who increasingly want to share documents across different computers and has been locked in fierce competition with a number of rivals, including Dropbox, another privately held firm that is valued at $4 billion.

Box and Dropbox, which provide users with free storage but charge fees for additional space, have been able to steadily gain market share even though tech giants like Google Inc, Microsoft Corp and Apple Inc all offer their own versions of file-sharing utilities.

In 2011, Box rebuffed a takeover offer by Citrix Systems worth more than $500 million.